Take a moment to analyse your working space and take necessary actions that will improve your posture. For example, does your chair offer lumbar support - if not, then consider investing in a lumbar support pillow, or alternatively using a rolled-up towel. More details on what to look for here.
2. Stand in front of a mirror and practice.
The aim is for you to get an idea of what you look like with and without good posture. Not only can you use this as a check to see if you’re doing it right, but also to notice how much better you look.
3. Before a meeting, presentation, or job interview, check in on your posture.
Everybody gets nervous, some more than others depending on the activity. So, it’s a good idea, especially when your body language is also important, that you take a moment to check and fix it. So, in the words of R Kelly himself, “just stand up tall, look ‘em in the face and say” what you’ve got to.
4. Be aware of your environment.
As was stated in our common bad posture habits blog, you should avoid constantly having to reach out to get something. Being aware of what you need the most and making it more accessible will help you avoid constantly stretching out.
5. Scoot your boot.
When sitting, ensure your hips have been scooted to the back of your chair, with your feet flat on the ground for support. A lumbar roll can be used to further support the natural curvature of your spine.
6. Sit on your butt.
On the surface, this is a pretty intuitive point - after all, who doesn’t sit on the butt - but, the question is are you really sitting on your butt? When sitting down, you want to avoid sitting on the back of your upper thighs, or tailbone. One way to check (whilst sitting), is to rock your pelvis back and forth - taking note of what free movement is available - you should be seated in the middle of the free movement.
7. Move around.
Probably the simplest and easiest tip so far but can be an effective way to stop you rebounding into your old bad posture habits, especially if you are still not completely used to good posture habits. The fact of the matter is that sitting with perfect posture all the time is difficult, and in itself requires strength. So, if you start to feel your good posture habits slipping away - get up, walk around and comeback.
8. Take a break.
As was mentioned above, good posture requires strength too. So don’t feel bad for taking a break once in a while. Let your muscles relax and avoid overworking them.
9. Call on your sixth sense for posture awareness - or just set reminders.
It’s far too easy to adopt bad posture habits, only to realise after a period of time what you have done i.e., once the aches start coming. However, by maintaining a level of consciousness of your posture, you can tackle the issue head on and adjust yourself accordingly before the side effects. And if you struggle to remind yourself, just set reminders on your phone throughout the day to check your posture. As you get more acquainted to checking in on yourself, start to reduce the intensity of your daily reminders.
10. Remember - just because it doesn’t feel comfortable, doesn’t mean that you’re doing it wrong or that it’s not worthwhile.
This is especially true if the concept of good posture is new to you, because your muscles still need to get conditioned to the new position.